Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

CLASS : X - 7



Born Java Programming Language for the first time from a breeding project that Sun Microsystems dimotori by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, James Gosling and Bill Joy along with their nine colleagues from Sun Microsystems. this project runs for 18 weeks, from early 1991 until summer 1992. Peoyeknya name is "The Green Project" One of the results of this project is maskot Duke made by Joe Palrang.

Around summer 1992 the project was closed with a yield Oak first Java program, which is intended as a control device with touch screen technology (touch screen), as in the PDA now. This new technology was named "* 7" (Seven Star).

after the era ended STAR 7, a cable TV subsidiary Interested akan it. therefore with some people from the start GREEN PROJECT focus attention on this matter. this company eventually experience a significant increase in rentangan fast enough time, the number of employees who diaman of only 13 people has now reached 70 people. in this era of internet start dirintis in order to smooth their relations communication in the ideas and inputs that are useful for the project.

They were made of (browser) as a mosaic to create the foundations of the early first named Java Web Runner, terinsipirasi from the 1980s film, Blade Runner. In the development of the first releases, Web Runner change name to Hot Java.

At around the month of March 1995, for the first time a version of Java source code is open 1:02. Their success in this pubilkasikan the first time in the newspaper San Jose Mercury News on 23 May 1995

But what a pity this happened in the project where three divisions of the main leaders of the project, Eric Schmidt and George Paolini of Sun Microsystems with Marc Andreessen, Netscape formed.

Name Oak, was taken from the oak tree that grows in the front window of the room "java father," James Gosling. Oak is the name used to release a version of Java as a software has been registered with the trademark, the name was taken so that the successor to "Java". The name is taken from a pure grinding coffee directly from the seed (black coffee) kesukaan Gosling.
First Version

Early versions of Java in 1996 has been a release version so called Java version 1.0. Java version of this package include many standards that continue to be developed early in the next version:

* Java.lang: allotment class basis of the elements.
* allotment class input and output, including the use of the file.
* Java.util: allotment class object data structure, such as class and class calendar class.
* allotment class TCP / IP, which allows computers to communicate with other networks using the TCP / IP.
* Java.awt: Classes for basic applications with the user interface (GUI)
Java.applet *: Class basic application interface to apply to a web browser.


JAVA is a programming language is object-oriented and can be run (Run) on all types of operating system (OS) for the development of JAVA this tiak only focus on one operating system but developed for all types of operating systems and open source, Java is also a Java Development Environment which act as a developer of equipment that provides many tools ie: compiler, INTERPRETER, composer documentation, packet class, and so forth. besides JAVA is also a versatile application that can run on all machines that have Java Runtime Environment.


JAVA Programming language used to create all forms of application, desktop, web and other, as is made by using other conventional programming languages.

* Multiplatform. The advantages of Java is to be executed in multiple platforms / operating system computer, in accordance with the principles of write once, run anywhere. With these advantages enough programmer to write a Java program is compiled and the (modified, from a language that is understandable human language into machine / bytecode) ago once the results can be run on multiple platforms without changes. This allows a merit-based java program is over but the Linux operating system runs well on Microsoft Windows. Platform supported so far is Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Sun Solaris. Penyebanya is any operating system using its own program (which can be downloaded from the site Java) bytecode meninterpretasikan for it.

* Opp (Object Oriented Programming - Object-oriented programmers), which means that all aspects are in Java is an object. Java is a programming language based on pure oebjek. All types of data derived from the basic class called Object. This is very easy for programmers to design, create, develop and mengalokasi error with a base Java program in a rapid, accurate, easy and organized. This merit makes the Java language as one of the easiest pemograman, even for the advanced functions such as communication between the computer though.

* Complete the Class Library, Java, the completeness of the library / library (collection of programs that are included in the program java programming) that is very ease in use by the programmers to build applications. Completeness of the library is added to the existence of a large Java community who continue to create a new library to cover all the needs of application development.

* C + + style, has a programming language syntax such as [C + +], so many interesting C + + programmers to move to Java. Java users at this time very much, most is C + + programmer who moved to Java. Universities in the United States also began to move to teach Java to students because of the new easier to understand by students and can be useful also for those who are not taking the computer department.

* The automatic garbage collection, features the use of memory so that the programmer does not need to do the memory directly (as in C + + language is widely used).


* Write once, correct in only - There are some things that are not compatible between platforms one with other platforms. For eg J2SE SWT-AWT bridge that until now does not work on Mac OS X

* Easy didekompilasi. Dekompilasi is to reverse the process of becoming the code so the source code. This is possible because so koe Java bytecode is a lot of attributes that store high-level language, such as the names of the classes, methods, and data types. The same thing also happened on Microsoft.NetPlatform Therefore, the algorithms used will be more difficult to program and easily hidden dibajak / direverse-engineer.

* Use a lot of memory. The use of memory for the Java-based program far more than the high-level language such as the previous generation C / C + + and Pascal (more specific, Delphi and Object Pascal). Usually this is not a problem for those who use the latest technology (as the trend memory installed cheap), but a problem for those who still have berkutat with the engine computer was more than 4 years.

Installing JAVA

To Install Java program to your PC then the first step you have to do is download the JAVA program for free on the official website of Sun Microsystems:

In the package there are 6 jdk Java Compiler (javac) and Java Application Launcher (Java). While for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to function as a running application with the form to receive instruction bytecodes.

when it is installed you must first do settingan Java that can be identified in the file or folder on your computer. This will make it easier to do when the command code. Next Java settings you should make:

* Copy the directory java - bin that is in the C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_13 \ bin
* After tercopy, then click on START and select control panel
* Click on the control panel system, the form will appear as follows


* Propertis in the system Edvanced select and click environment variables, then a form will appear again as follows:



* Variables in the users select New, and will appear again and form a paste bin directory that have been earlier in the copy in the value varable

javanya when settings have been completed, the things that you need to do is a means or tools that will help in improving the code or write a Java script. You can use notepad to create a media code-code program java.

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