Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

basic commands linux by wulandri ulfahmi X-7

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Tuesday, 04 August 2009
basic commands linux wulandri by ulfami X-7

Like when we type the command in DOS, command line or the command line in Linux is also diketikkan in the end with a prompt and pressing the Enter key on the keyboard to execute the command.
The command line is a more efficient way to make things work. Therefore, Linux users still rely on this way of working. Beginners should also need to know and at least once menggunanakan command line because one of the commands can be very necessary.
Next will be described some basic commands that may later be used especially by the beginners. Note: knowledge of the laws of the other will soon be increased in line with the progress of your operating system is Linux.

Explanation of each command will be only to find out more and more detail the functions of a command, you can see manualnya, for example, by typing man command:
man is a command to display the manual of a command. How to use them is by typing man followed by the command that we want to know pemakaiannya manual.

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